St. Luke Catholic School offers a balanced core curriculum of religion, reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science. The school also offers special classes in Spanish, health, physical education, music, art, technology integration, and other enrichment programming. Spanish is taught to pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and is a major subject in grades 7 and 8.
The faculty strives to encourage cooperative learning rather than competition at the elementary level. Thus, students below grade six are neither grouped by ability level nor do they participate in honor roll. In various ways they are acknowledged by their teachers for demonstrating Christian behavior and effort.
At the middle school level, students are formally acknowledged for academic achievement, demonstrating Christian virtues, citizenship, effort, and service. In the middle school honors classes are offered in English, Literature, and Math.
Private School Accreditation
St. Luke Catholic School is fully accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED). The TCCED is recognized by the Texas Education Agency and is responsible for the accreditation process for Texas Catholic Schools.
Our most recent accreditation review took place in November 2022.