Thank you, St. Luke Community, for your generous donations! We raised $2,000 for each specials teacher to purchase supplies to enhance their program.
Having navigated many months of the pandemic, we are still faced with uncertainty and the stress that comes with it. These long-term challenges have resulted in children experiencing chronic anxiety. How parents react to their child’s stress-related behaviors can have an effect on his/her level of anxiety. To learn ways to support an anxious child without empowering their fears, click on the link below for things to do and not do when your child is anxious.
Many thanks to all who registered for the Elementary Summer Enrichment Program. Please submit the program fee to the school office by May 21. Thank you! CONGRATULATIONS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW COMPETITION WINNERS!
Congratulations to our winners in the Knights of Columbus free throw competition! A special shout out to 7th grader Josh F. and 8th grader Alex H. for scoring the most free throws overall! Awesome work Rebels! We are proud of you! Our heartfelt gratitude to the Knights of Columbus for all they do for St. Luke. A LOOK AHEAD… May 19 – 10:00 am, Kinder End-of-Year Ceremony May 19 – 1:30 pm, Middle School Athletic Awards Ceremony May 21 – 8th Graduation May 28 – Last Day PreK-7th Grade May 28 – Noon Dismissal; No After-school Care