By now, most of you have read the letter regarding the Covid 19 positive result of one of our students. I wanted to take the time to reflect with each of you what happened, how we can improve, and a restatement of our policies and safety procedures. If you want further details, please refer to our Town Halls, previous Light articles, and our safety plan which is on our website. Nurse Alana and I are also available, if you would like to talk.
We found out that a student tested positive for Covid 19 on Tuesday. Nurse Alana and I activated our plan and discussed what we needed to do to contact trace and communicate with the community. I contacted the Superintendent of Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese to go over our plan and to confer with anything we may need to do. It was determined that we did not have to quarantine, due to the amount of days the student was at home, and not at school. We decided phone calls to the homeroom class would be the best way to discuss the situation with the people that had direct contact with the student. The faculty and staff were informed, and a letter was sent out to the community. Our communication was honest and transparent. We will not hide information from anyone, aside from privacy issues, so there is no need to speculate on what happened. One area we can improve on is to let the grade level know which class it involved. We did not specify, but we realized we really need to let people know which class was involved. We will include the class, so people will not be left in the dark as to what they should do. We also would like to improve on the misinformation that was going around. If you hear something that did not come from the school directly, please know that it may not be based on facts. Please reach out to the school to verify information, if you are unsure. We are certain true information going out is the way to safety. Misinformation can cause panic and undo stress in our lives, so please reach out if you are uncertain about information you are hearing. As stated in our Safety Plan, we clean and sanitize daily to ensure our students and teachers are safe. We purchased 4 hospital grade sanitizing misters to use on our campus. The custodians were trained on how to use the machines and classrooms are sanitized during lunch and after school. We are basically providing professional cleaning and sanitizing daily. We can continue to keep Covid 19 out of our school by following the safety guidelines recommended by the CDC and Metro Health. With the holiday season right around the corner, please be aware that Covid 19 is being spread at family gatherings, where people let their guard down. At St. Luke we are doing our part to keep everyone safe, please do your part to not bring it to our school. The faculty and staff of St. Luke love our village. We love the children, we love our parents, and we love the fact that we can come to school every day and be a part of something so amazing. Let’s continue to build our village together to give our children every opportunity to grow happy and healthy.
Nadine Buhrman Interim Principal
Virtue of the Month
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for conisitently demonstrating the virtue of Self-control during the month of September. PK: Alexis R. and Jacob R. KA: Sofia F. and Hannah C. KB: Hannah R. and Aldo H. 1A: Audrey A. 1B: Camila V. 2A: Karlie G. 2B: Abel D. 3A: Makylee B. 3B: Kate B. and Lily T. 4A: Jesiah M. and Brenton M. 4B: Gianna O. and Rafael A. 5A: Russell A. and Kaelyn H. 5B: Audrey T. and Priyesh P. 6A: Amanda C. and Moira W. 6B: Andrea A. and Sophia L. 7A: Rylee D. and Paul Y. 7B: Tam N. and Ethan B. 8A: Isabella V. and Xavier R. 8B: Leo H. and Samantha R. COUNSELOR’S CORNER . . . ANNOUNCEMENT We wish Mrs. Heather Clark well as she moves on to a full-time counseling position at another institution. All guidance and counseling services at St. Luke Catholic School will be continued by Mrs. Laurie Hinojosa and Mrs. Marrah Gonzalez. [email protected] [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DUKE TIP Duke TIP will not be offering programming, including the Academic Talent Search, for the remainder of 2020 through spring 2021 as they go through a transition and re-envision how to best serve all precollege learners. Duke TIP will continue to work with families who participated in prior talent searches to provide the promised programs, research, and resources, which will remain available at Civvies Day – Friday, Oct. 16
Civvies Days are co-hosted each month by the Beta Club and PTC with a cost of $5.00 per student. Participation is optional. Monies collected will be split with half of the proceeds going to PTC and the other half going to a charity selected by the Beta Club. ALL students are invited to participate (distance and in-person students). Please submit payments by Fri., Oct. 16, 8:00 am. Please refer to page 23 in the Parent-Student Handbook for Civvies Day attire guidelines.
In an effort to minimize contact, payments will only be collected online.
Click HERE for the online payment site. PTC Chick-fil-A Lunch Fri., Oct. 16
Please pack a sack lunch for your child if you did not place an order for this Friday's PTC Lunch. Thank you. St. Luke Fun Run
Hey, y’all! Come to the St. Luke Fun Run THIS Saturday, October 17, any time from 8 AM to noon. Run or walk through the school grounds, following a really fun course. Do the Hula Hoop Hop by the cafeteria, Mega Hopscotch in front of the gym, carry a pumpkin in the Pumpkin Run, and zip through the Finish Line on a scooter. It’s part of Hope for the Future’s annual Run with a Mission, and the cost is $15. You can register HERE. All money comes right back to St. Luke, so you can support our school while having fun. Park on the field side of the campus, and walk over to the parking lot by the Middle School building. The fun starts there! Hope to see you there--it’s gonna be FUN!
Parish Contributions
A reminder that the contribution to the parish due by November 1 is $425.00. The parish contribution will enable a family to receive the in-parish tuition rate for the 2021-2022 school year. You can make your parish contribution online by visiting the online giving site. Thank you!
The Mother Teresa Society presented a very special person with a box of goodies to thank her for setting up the entire student body with Chromebooks. Thank you! PTC’s Movie Night Under the Stars
Friday, October 30, 7:00 pm Space is limited to ensure social distancing and tickets are required.
Click to learn more. PTC’s Halloween Drive-Thru Grab & Go Saturday, October 31, 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Grab and Go Treats Show off your costume! Enter and win best decorated trunk. Click for details on the trunk decorating contest. Sign up by October 23 to participate in the trunk decorating contest. Middle School Letterman Jackets
The Grad Hub will be on site at the picnic tables by the outdoor concessions next Wednesday, October 21 from 5:00-6:00 pm to take letter jacket orders. Representatives will have samples with them for sizing and they can create any patch for clubs/organizations that St. Luke has to offer. Letterman jackets make great Christmas gifts for middle schoolers!