We would like to inform you of some changes to tuition starting with our new school year 2022-2023. We are striving to streamline our tuition and spread the payments throughout the year, so there is less taken from your pocket upfront. We hope this will help all families enroll without such a financial burden to start. We made the changes based on parent input and to make the enrollment process more convenient.
This new tuition plan also addresses the tithing, or donations to the church. We will no longer have tithing to the church, so there will no longer be an “in-parish” or “out-of-parish” tuition. The school will collect $250.00, instead of current $425.00, in the tuition. We will use this money to support the church and school facilities with improvements that directly impact the students and the parishioners.
Attention families that did tithe this year: We will get the verification from the church and adjust your tuition, so you are not making a double donation.
We are constantly striving to meet the needs of our parents and community. We are always open to recommendations, so please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, or comments.
Early registration runs from Saturday, January 15, 2022 through February 28, 2022. Early registration guarantees you a space and you will receive the new St. Luke decal for your car. Regular registration runs from March 1, 2022 through April 1, 2022. Late registration runs from April 2, 2022 through the summer. We appreciate your enrolling as early as possible, as we are capping our classes at 25 for the new school year.
Our new tuition and registration fees chart is attached. We hope the new chart is easy to comprehend. Please note, the tuition rate is by number of children being enrolled and registration fee is by family.
Nadine Buhrman Principal
School Council News
Parents, We cordially invite you to prayerfully consider applying for the St. Luke Catholic School Council. Please click on the link below and fill out the application if you are interested. Please scan and email to [email protected], or turn into the school office in a sealed envelope.
Thank you for considering serving our school and community!
Thank you, parents, for your generosity and efforts to help St. Luke raise money for touchless toilets & sinks. Through the Catholic Life Raffle Sweepstakes, we raised $17,615.
We had 8 classes reach their goal of $1,000. Those teachers were awarded $175 in gift cards and their students will have a free civvies day on Tuesday Jan. 25th. The class that sold the most tickets, gets a pizza party with free civvies, (Ms. Garcia's Class.)
Our student winners are: 1st place: Anabel Savala (404 tickets sold- she received a $500 gift card to Kalahari Resort) 2nd place: Serena Ramirez (204 tickets sold- she received a $200 gift card to Best Buy) 3rd place: Aidan Ramos (164 tickets sold- he received a $75 gift card to Amazon)
Virtue of the Month Congratulations!
Congratulations to students and staff members who were recognized for consistently demonstrating the Virtue of Joy during the month of December. A look ahead… Thurs., Jan. 13 – PSAT, 8th grade Fri., Jan. 14 – Noon Dismissal, After-school Care available until 6:00 pm Fri., Jan. 14 – Deadline to order for the PTC Pizza Lunch on Fri., Jan. 21 Mon., Jan. 17 – No School, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Fri., Jan. 21 – PTC Pizza Lunch Fri., Jan 21 – Civvies Day Jan. 30 – Feb. 5: Catholic Schools Week