Welcome back to school! PTC usually marks the beginning of the year with fun social events. However, as with every aspect of our lives, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our plans, including fundraising efforts, key projects and community events. So, we are finding new ways to serve you.
The PTC Executive Board met virtually through the summer months to determine how we could best meet the needs of students and teachers during this challenging time. Working closely with Interim Principal Buhrman, we have recognized the need to change course and support St. Luke’s pandemic response by purchasing much-needed resources.
We allocated PTC funds for a portion of the Chromebooks that have been distributed to teachers for distance learning. We also purchased two Ionogen disinfecting misters for the classrooms. The Board recently voted in favor of purchasing four refilling water stations, a cleaner alternative to drinking fountains. The stations allow users to refill containers with ease, like the one currently located in the gym. We will also purchase 30 compact rolling tables for our teachers to give them a portable, but stable platform to hold their computers and tablets, while they move around their classrooms and teach through their devices.
Diverting funds to meet the immediate needs of the school and maintaining healthy reserves for future needs that may arise has forced us to take a closer look at other planned projects, such as the renovation of the black top recreational area. With mask breaks, the need for more outdoor time and recess space, we have opted to move forward with this project, however, with scaled-back plans.
In the coming months, you can expect a canopy for a covered play area, basketball hoops, picnic tables, resurfacing of the asphalt and the addition of inviting landscaping to beautify the area. We are on track to have the renovation complete by mid-December 2020. We believe the children will immensely enjoy this outdoor space and it will contribute to their overall wellbeing as they adjust to new safety procedures at school.
While it’s not the full renovation we envisioned, we are grateful for the generous donations that have allowed us to make improvements to this area, while continuing to help our school in other vital ways.
Meanwhile, we are evaluating and reimagining how and when we can safely hold PTC events that bring joy to our community. We will inform you of event plans and dates as soon as possible.
We are praying for the health and safety of our St. Luke families. We miss you and look forward to coming together again one day.
May God bless you, The St. Luke PTC Executive Board
Counselor's Corner...
The pandemic has presented many challenges, surprises and unknowns for not only adults but also for children. Nurturing resiliency in children will help them bounce back from life’s challenges so they can resume their learning with energy and enthusiasm.
Encourage children to build a sense of mastery by reminding them that they can, have, and will achieve difficult tasks.
Acknowledge their strength, bravery, and efforts when children solve problems independently.
Encourage children to approach challenging tasks with optimism.
Model for children how to approach new tasks that might be a little scary.
Model for children how to bounce back and try again when things don’t go as expected.
Help children to focus on what they have control over.
When children have the skills and confidence to confront and work through their problems, they learn that they have what it takes to overcome challenges. The more they bounce back, the more they internalize the message that they are strong, capable and resilient. The counseling team is available to support your child if he/she is experiencing difficulties bouncing back from the pandemic or other challenges. Let us know if we can be of assistance. Mrs. Hinojosa (Mrs. H) Grades: pre-K, K, 6 - 8 [email protected] Mrs. Clark Grades: 1 - 5 [email protected] Mrs. Gonzalez (Mrs. G.) Counselor Intern, Grades: pre-K, K, 6 - 8 [email protected]
Our Next Town Hall
There will be another Town Hall at 1:30 pm, Thursday, September 3 via Facebook Live. We will answer more of your questions and talk about our Phase I and Phase 2 re-opening.
Thank You PTC!
Our new picnic tables have arrived and are ready for our students to have lunch or outdoor classes. Thank you Coach Loza, Mr. Paco and Mr. Gallegos for assembling the tables and benches.