After collecting supplies from school-wide donations, 8th grade students delivered sack lunches to the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Ann's parish, where they feed the homeless twice a week.
“Much will be required of the person with much, and still
more will be demanded of the person with more.”
Luke 12:48
As part of our students’ faith formation, there are several service projects throughout the school year that provide the opportunity to put the teachings of St. Luke into action. During the 2016-2017 school year monthly "Civvies" Days raised over $10,000 for local community organizations including The Children's Shelter of San Antonio, Hope for the Future, San Antonio Food Bank, Catholic Charities, Ronald McDonald House, St. Luke Eagle Scout Projects, Homes 4 Wounded Warriors, and medical expenses for Mrs. Patricia Chavez. Every year during the month of November, students from each grade give food items so that Thanksgiving Dinner boxes can be assembled and donated to families through the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
In middle school, students are invited to participate in the Catholic Student Club. Catholic Student Club members make a commitment to serving Christ by serving others. The Club meetings consist of scripture readings, reflections, and planning service projects connected with the St. Luke Catholic Community. The school’s Beta Club Academic Honor Society recognizes student achievement and cultivates service and leadership; its motto is, “Let us lead by serving others.” Beta Club members help lead and coordinate school-wide service projects in addition to the community service projects that they undertake as a club. In January of 2014, the Beta Club earned First Place recognition from the Archdiocese of San Antonio for their Service Project, "Adopt a Senior". There were over 200 entries in the Archdiocesan Service Project. Out of all the elementary entries, St. Luke's was the number 1 project. Middle school students who perform at least double the required number of service hours for their grade level, and include a diversity of activities in service to others, are recognized at the end of the school year by enrollment in the St. Teresa of Calcutta Society. As St. Teresa of Calcutta taught us, “Unless a life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.”
Students at St. Luke’s show their love through service to those in need.