The practice of mindfulness can help ease stress and anxiety and bring calmness into our lives when we pause, breathe, and focus on what’s going on in the present moment. Mindfulness can increase our attentiveness, improve our relationships, and help us identify what we’re grateful for. Please refer to the Mindful March Calendar below for suggested ways to practice mindfulness throughout the month of March.
The Mother Teresa Society is sponsoring 40 Days for Cans for Lent, benefitting Catholic Charities. They will distribute the canned food to people in need, and right now, there are LOTS of people in our city who need food.
We want to bring in LOTS of canned goods! So, the grade level that brings in the most cans by Friday, April 9 will win an Easter Egg Hunt. We’ll even have a Golden Egg with a special surprise. Boxes will be provided in each homeroom, so let’s fill them up! PEOPLE WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE
Our third grade students did a great job honoring the People Who Made A Difference. Thank you for being advocates for what is right, just and loving in our world! Mother Teresa Society and the Senior Ministry celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. So much fun!
Thank you, Ortiz family and Ortiz Group, for sponsoring our teachers to receive virtue awards. Congratulations to Mrs. Lopez, Mrs. Peña and Ms. Diaz for consistently demonstrating the virtue of Love during the month of February.
When you shop on Amazon Smile in support of St. Luke, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the school at no cost to you. You have access to all of the same products for all of the same prices.