Please remember to share your thoughts on our survey that went out on Friday via email. This is the first step in gathering ideas to assist with planning for our strategic plan that will enable us to grow and meet needs over the next few years. The more voices we hear from, the better we can serve our community. If you are interested in assisting with our strategic planning, please email Mrs. Buhrman at [email protected]. St. Luke School Council - We Need You!
Please be on the lookout for an application to apply to become a member of our School Council. We are looking for members who would be willing to assist with the writing of the strategic plan and to support the school grow to meet the new needs of our students and community. Teacher Professional Development
A heartfelt thank you to Luis Morales from Promethean who is also a Pre-Kinder parent for your generous donation of your time and talent to support our teachers, as they learn more about the Promethean Board. We really appreciated your time with us. Thank you.
Congratulations to our teachers who have been participating in The Reading Academy Professional Development this year. They will be finishing up next month, and we are so excited about their dedication to learn new ways to meet the needs of different learners. St. Luke Campus Math Initiative
We are so excited to start a campus-wide initiative to support our students with math fluency and automaticity with basic math facts in addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
As many of you may recall from your childhood, learning math facts can take time, practice, and diligence. Studies have shown that just like reading fluency being imperative to later comprehension, the same goes for math fluency. As stated in a study by Burns and Stickney, developing automaticity is a building block for the success of students in the math classroom. Fact fluency not only reduces cognitive load to support comprehension of complex math processes; it also makes learning concepts in math easier, as cognitive overload would be absent, due to basic facts being mastered. In simple terms, our students need to not only learn their math facts, they should have them automatic and mastered. In order to reach our goals, we plan to have time to practice basic math skills in the classrooms, 2nd grade through middle school. We hope to have campus wide support and success through the use of timed tests not only to gauge success, but to motivate students to work hard at their facts, so they can benefit from math fact fluency and leap into the complex world of math concepts. Please note, teachers know how to accommodate students by shortening the timed tests to support students that may need extra time. The important thing is that all students are motivated to practice at home to see growth and results.
Ways to help your child:
Flashcards are a fabulous way to practice every evening.
Practice math facts when you are driving somewhere.
There are a lot of apps online where students can practice math facts.
Working together will ensure success for our students! Thank you for supporting this initiative to help our students accomplish this very worthwhile goal.
Father-Daughter Dance 2023 Such great fun at the Father-Daughter Dance this weekend! Thank you, PTC for planning this event for our girls and their dads to spend some special time together.
Career Day 2023 Thank you to all our parents who came to share their professions with our students during this year’s Career Day. The students had such a great time learning about the different careers that are out there. Thank you so much! Three-peat! Congratulations Rebels!
Congratulations to our Rebel Boys Basketball Team who won the Class AA AIAL Championship on Thursday evening for the third year in a row! Great job Rebels!
The Rebels were featured on KSAT 12’s Big Game Coverage. In case your missed it, you can see a replay on YouTube (the Rebels appear at 23:32).
2023-2024 Registration We are so excited to have all our students back next year! Many thanks to all families who have completed their family’s re-enrollment online in RenWeb. This is a huge help as we plan for next year.
We continue to receive inquiries about our school every day! Most new families who inquire have heard great things about our school through word of mouth and most of our grades have waiting lists.
If you have not yet re-enrolled your children for next year and have questions or concerns, please reach out to our Director of Enrollment, Laura Garza, as soon as possible.
Altar Servers Workshop
An Altar Servers workshop will be held, on Saturday, February, 25th, from 10:30 am – 12:30pm for all new servers at the Church. All interested students from 3rd -12th grade are invited to join the Altar Servers ministry. This is one of the most important ministries of the church and must be treated as such. Parents are required to attend the information meeting. Those interested must have completed the sacrament of First Holy communion, be attending Catholic School or Faith Formation Classes, the family must be registered parishioners, and the child must be 8 years of age (or in the 3rd grade) up to 18 years of age.
A parents meeting will be held in the St. Joseph’s Room at 11:15 am. Only one parent is required to attend. Come prepared with 4-6 dates (preferably 3 Saturdays and 3 Sundays) to sign up your child for Mass observance. For more information, please call Altar Server Coordinator Maggie Quintero at (210) 535-8484.
Please submit the Registration Form to the school office no later than Wednesday, February 22, 2023
CYO Spring Sports Registration Now Open
Registration is open online at https://stlukesite. for baseball, softball and t-ball for ages 4 and older. Visit the registration site for details. Registration closes February 26 at 11:59 pm.
Virtue of the Month Love
A look ahead… Wed., Feb. 15 – Mass led by Kinder classes Feb. 15-16 Baseball and Softball Tryouts Thurs., Feb. 16, Spirit Night at Sari Sari Fri., Feb. 17, PTC Pizza Lunch. Please pack a sack lunch and bring it to school with you if you did not place an order. We regret we are unable to deliver forgotten lunches. Thank you for understanding. Fri., Feb. 17 – Civvies Day, please make your Civvies Day donation online by 8:00 am Friday morning. Mon., Feb. 20 – School in session. Ice Day make up Wed., Feb. 22 – Ash Wednesday Sat., Feb. 25 – Altar Server Workshop Sat., Feb. 25 – Denim & Diamonds, deadline to purchase tickets: Fri., Feb. 17