So, here we are, 7 months of dealing with Corona Virus. I think we are all tired of it! We are all ready to get back to normal. We all have Covid Fatigue. I have it, I’m sure you have it, and I can guarantee all of our kids have it.
Sadly, we can’t let our guard down. I am sure you have been watching the news with all of the countries and states that have a huge increase in numbers. Hospitals are overwhelmed, spread is happening so fast, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. This is a reminder that we are Rebel Strong. Don’t let Covid Fatigue win! Keep on isolating, using the three W’s, and being vigilant. We can make it together!
As the holidays approach, keep in mind that you don’t know where your extended family and friends have been. I don’t think anyone would expect you to let your guard down to exposure, nor do I think anyone would fault you for being safe. So please, if you are around others, use the three W’s; wash your hands often, wear your mask always, and watch your distance like your life depends on it, because it may. Be strong and vigilant, Rebels! Let’s keep on fighting Covid 19! A special heartfelt thank you and much gratitude for the way you all have been so vigilant and strong so far. To the families who have kept their children home with symptoms, just to be safe, thank you. The families who have taken their children for testing, to be safe, thank you. The families who chose quarantine, just to be safe, thank you. The families who sacrifice fun and good times, to keep their families safe, thank you. Together, we can make it through this pandemic. Together we are safe and strong.
Nadine Buhrman Interim Principal COUNSELOR’S CORNER . . .
CLARITY PARENTS CHAT Children's mental health experts from Clarity CGC are hosting a Clarity Parents Chat every Wednesday at 11am CST. These 30-minute discussions address common parenting concerns in a straightforward way. Please take a few minutes and join us! Attendance is free and no registration is necessary. "Youth and technology: is it time for a reset?" with Joshua Essery, PsyD Wed, Nov 4 at 11am; Password: Clarity1104 "Avoiding parenting burn out: how self-care can make you a better parent" with Rick Edwards, LPC Wed, Nov 11 at 11am; Password: Clarity1111 "Strength amid the stress: nurturingyourself and your spouse" with Andrea Tristan, LPC Wed, Nov 18 at 11am; Password: Clarity 1118 DISCOVERING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
Please check our Facebook page daily next week for Discovering Catholic Schools videos that highlight our students, families, and teachers. Discover the great faith formation and education students receive at St. Luke
We are forming a task force to support our enrollment efforts. If you are past parents, alumni, or just someone who loves Catholic Schools, please email Mrs. Buhrmann at [email protected]. We could really use your help with this endeavor.
On behalf of our school, we would like to thank you for your prayers and support. Catholic schools have many gifts to offer, and keeping our schools vibrant is a worthy cause. Families enjoyed a socially distant evening under the stars at PTC’s Drive in Movie Night. FUNDRAISING $$ SURVEY
The Catholic Life Insurance Sweepstakes Raffle is just around the corner. For the past two years, the St. Luke community has done a fantastic job helping PTC raise funds for the blacktop renovation. We have successfully raised enough funds and construction will be happening very soon.
It is now time to focus on enhancing/improving other areas where our community feels it is best.
Please take our short survey to help guide PTC on how this year's fundraising dollars should be spent. Thank you.Celebrating Halloween in the time of Covid - PTC’s Trunk or Treat THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE
As we give special importance to the virtue of Kindness this month, we ask that you support our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Your donations are needed now more than ever. All nonperishable items will be donated to St. Luke St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please send the items to your child’s homeroom by Wed., Nov. 18. Thank you for your continued support. Below is a list of suggested items for each grade level to donate:
Firm deadline to order, Fri., Nov. 13. Click HERE to place your order online. FAMILIES! WE NEED YOUR INPUT!
We are happy to announce the Ortiz Group at Thrive Mortgage has offered to sponsor honoring our teachers with a virtue of the month award. Mr. Ortiz has offered to reward two teachers/staff every month who win the virtue of the month. We will choose one teacher/staff member from early childhood and intermediate, and one from middle school and specials. We are so happy to have this opportunity to recognize the many gifts our faculty and staff have to offer.
This month our virtue is Kindness. Please email Mrs. Buhrman at [email protected] with your nomination and a brief message why you think they deserve this reward. We will announce the winners along with the children each month. We will also include a write up in the Light each month with quotes from your nominations. You can vote every month, if you so desire! Let’s have some fun shouting out our support for our amazing teachers!!
Thank you, Ortiz Group and our community, for your support! A LOOK AHEAD…
Fri., Nov. 6 – Noon Dismissal, pack a sack lunch if you are staying for After-school Care
Mon., Nov. 23 – Full school day
Tues., Nov. 24 - Noon Dismissal, no After-school Care