TAG Lunches for Teachers
Class Retreat Support
First Communion Support
Donuts with Dads
Muffins with Moms
Denim & Diamonds
Annual Gala
Ice Cream Social
Grandparent's Day
Mother/Son Liturgy and Lunch
Father/Daughter Dance
Spirit shirts for all new students
Christmas Tree Lighting
PTC Lunches
Homeroom Christmas Parties
Fr. Jim Barlow Sports Complex planning and fundraising
Used Uniform Drive & Sales
Christmas Shop
Fall Festival
Spirit Nights
Kindergarten & 8th Grade Graduation Receptions
End-of-Year Homeroom Parties
Catholic Schools Week activities
Box Tops for Education
We welcome all parents to be involved in one or all events. We are always looking for new fun ideas to implement for our school. If you have any suggestions or donations that you may want to contribute, please contact PTC at ptc@stlukecatholic.org
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
Isaiah 6:8